Lotto 96 - Asta 146 - Asta numismatica

Coins Roman Republic Q. Sicinius, C. Coponius, denarius (3, 72g), 49 BC, Rome. Av: Apollo head to the right, before that "Q. SICINIVS", ... Leggi tutto
Base d'asta:
140,00 EUR


Stato lotto:
Asta chiusa


Coins Roman Republic Q. Sicinius, C. Coponius, denarius (3, 72g), 49 BC, Rome. Av: Apollo head to the right, before that "Q. SICINIVS", behind "III VIR". Rev: Löwenffell on Käule, right "C. COPONIVS", left "PR SC". Fools about 1377, Cr. 444 / 1, very fine. ss
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